Dec 17, 2009

Care2: If your elderly parent(s) were unable to live alone anymore, would you take them into your home or find an assisted living facility for them?

Care2: If your elderly parent(s) were unable to live alone anymore, would you take them into your home or find an assisted living facility for them?

1 comment:

  1. This is a poll that I posted on Care2.

    Here are the Results So Far : 4,408 votes

    47% Take them into my home.

    27% It depends.

    22% Find an assisted living facility.

    4% Other.

    What would you do ?

    And what would you do if they were put into a guardianship and someone else put them into a nursing home where you had no say ?

    It happens all the time and that is why we are working to end the abuse of guardianships.
